Muir Beach Community Services District has completed the initial lead service line survey (LSLS) inventory required by U.S. EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions. The deadline for the initial inventories is October 16, 2024.  Through completing a historical records review and field investigations, Muir Beach Community Services District has determined it has no lead or galvanized requiring replacement service lines in its distribution system. This includes any privately-owned or customer-owned service lines.  All service lines were verified non-lead copper, plastic, or galvanized.  The MBCSD LSLS Non-lead Statement can be viewed here.  Muir Beach Community Services District will continue to update service line material information obtained from normal operations, such as service line maintenance, installation, or water meter readings, after October 2024 and will update the initial inventory accordingly.

Mary Halley, MBCSD District Manager