Download the DM Job Description

The Muir Beach Community District is hiring!

We are seeking a new District Manager for a Full Time position and a Water Manager Part-time.
Download the DM Job Description
Jane Doe
The CSD’s District Manager’s (DM) job is to serve as staff to the CSD Board and voluntary community committees and see to it that the Board’s priorities, policies, and plans are effectively implemented. To accomplish these results, the manager also oversees all of the functions of the Community Services District. And because the community is small and the opportunities and challenges are substantial, an essential ingredient of District Manager’s success is to ensure the active involvement of the community in the activities of the MBCSD.

Accountability and Authority

The District Manager reports directly to the CSD Board president (or the president’s designee) and is accountable to the five members of the CSD Board. In turn, the elected, non-paid Board is accountable to the Community. Within the domains covered by its mandate, the Board must provide concrete, effective ways to hear and respond to the Community’s needs and concerns and maintain its on-going vibrancy, viability, and quality of life.

District Manager’s Responsibilities

In non-priority order, the District Manager will:
– Work with the elected CSD Board to identify the Community’s long and short-term needs and to help guide the formulation of CSD’s priorities and ensure their implementation.
– Actively participate in a planned effort to educate and communicate CSD priorities and their status to the Community; then, measure the effectiveness of the education and communications initiatives.

– Prepare a draft budget for CSD directors to review and approve; then design and maintain procedures to comply with accurate financial and accounting standards and requirements. Make the budget results available to the Board, the Community, and the public.
– Maintain and oversee all relevant financial, business, personnel, regulatory, environmental and other reporting that is of interest to the directors and the Community and is required by community, county, state, federal and financial agencies as well as the District’s by-laws, regulations, and CSD business partners.
– Maintain an inventory of District assets and physical facilities, and oversee the supervision of necessary maintenance.
– With the Board, identify and initiate plans for capital improvement projects; present those plans to the Board for its review and approval.
– Ensure that there are regular cross communications – and, where it is wise, cross training – between the District Manager and those involved in Fire, Water, Roads/Easements, and Recreation Management.
– In consultation with the CSD Board – and in compliance with Personnel Policies – hire and effectively manage all other district employees.
– Work with the Board’s president to develop monthly and special meeting agendas.
– In a timely manner, notify District constituents and relevant agencies of CSD meetings, elections, actions, and events.
– Ensure there are accurate minutes of CSD meetings and, in consultation with Directors, make certain that the minutes and other matters of importance are promptly and efficiently disseminated to the Community and others who may be interested.
– Stay abreast of changing federal, state, and local policies that impact life at Muir Beach, and which may impact decision making of the CSD Board.
– At the direction of the Board, work with relevant agencies and individuals.
– Review and maintain the insurance needs of the District. Inform the Board about relevant legal matters, and then, with Board direction, take appropriate action.
– Ensure that the results of the work described above will be regularly measured and reported to the Board.

Skills Required
The DM must possess excellent people and communications skills and benchmark a record of measuring and achieving communications goals. A lean staff operation and the culture of the Muir Beach community require the District Manager to encourage community engagement and support volunteerism. The DM must have proven experience in these areas as well as demonstrated experience with financial management, efficient time-management, and task prioritization. S/he will also have demonstrated experience encouraging and contributing to effective initiatives planning and execution, combined with an outcomes-focused approach.

A Job Well Done by the District Manager Looks Like:

A job well done for the District Manager is reflected by the effectiveness of the elected CSD Board fulfilling its mandate to provide and maintain a high quality of life in Muir Beach. This means:
– The performance of the District meets and exceeds the priorities and plans of the CSD.
– The Board and the Community are well educated and informed on key issues that affect Muir Beach. New residents to Muir Beach are individually welcomed, offered a community orientation, and invited into CSD governance and community activities.
– The water system is functioning at its highest level of quality and is capable of reliable and robust continuance in the future.
– Muir Beach roads are well maintained and safe.
– Fire protection is secure and fully functional.
– In all facets of the CSD operations, the Community is prepared for emergencies and disasters.
– Recreation meets the Community’s needs.
– A high quality of life in Muir Beach is sustainable and improving.
Hours and Pay

It is expected that this is a part-time to full-time position depending on the skills of the person who is hired. Pay will be determined during the hiring discussions.

Applications of Interest

If you are interested in being considered for this excellent position, please send a letter and your resume to by no later than March 15th, 2017.

(If it is helpful – but is it not at all necessary, feel free to include photos or videos if the will help tell us about you and your experiences).

When we receive your letter, we will reply so you know it has arrived. However, we will not begin to review all of the applications until March 31st, and, as a result, it is likely that you will not hear from us until somewhat after the middle of April. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.

John Doe
Overall Description

The primary responsibility of Water Management is to oversee and maintain the continuous delivery of safe drinking water to Muir Beach Community Services District (MBCSD or CSD) water residents/customers. Water Management reports directly to the MBCSD District Manager and is accountable to both the District Manager and the Directors of the Board.

In non-priority order Water Management Responsibilities and Tasks include, but are not limited to:

• Perform or oversee all water quality testing;
• Ensure that 24/7 there is coverage for the system in the Community.
• Monitor all data and investigate anomalies, irregularities, and trends;
• Promptly report to Community on water quality and other system issues;
• Obtain and keep current required State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) certifications in both Treatment and Distribution.
• Oversee maintenance, repairs and replacement/upgrade of the entire water system – wells, pumps, filters, valves, treatment and monitoring equipment, pipes, meters, etc.;
• Exercise pumps, valves, and generator, flush hydrants;
• Maintain and track data on well production, tank levels, usage and consumption, chemical treatment additions and residuals;
• Provide for a timely, daily, twenty-four hour (24/7) backup for operational responsibilities.
• Ensure that a water system emergency response is available at all times;
• Prepare all required reports on water system production, usage, and water quality;
• Participate in continuing education for water system treatment and distribution.
• Contact and work with large and excessive users to help conserve water;
• Stay abreast of improvements/advances in water system equipment and technology;
• Report on the water system and suggest improvements to District Manager and, when required, MBCSD Directors.
• Have adequate knowledge to work meaningfully with those seeking outside funding for the water system and maintenance and/or be able to initiate and complete a fund-raising role.
• Other responsibilities as assigned.

Assignment of Responsibilities and Tasks:

The performance of the Water Management function of the MBCSD may be described categorically. The tasks and responsibilities of each category allocated in a variety of ways to staff positions. A simple categorical list includes:

1. General oversight
2. Maintenance and monitoring of all data
3. Report preparation and submittal
4. Testing and treatment
5. Maintenance and repair of all equipment and distribution lines
6. Improve/modernize the system
7. Interface with the Community/customers
8. Report to and interface with the MBCSD Directors
9. Timely response to all of these things and others as assigned.

There are several models that may serve the MBCSD’s Water Management needs:
 One model, currently employed, has the “managerial” tasks, 1, 2,3,6,7 and 8 above assigned to the District Manager and the “operational” tasks performed and/or overseen by a water technician.
 A simple modification of this model would assign the managerial tasks to a Water Manager who would report directly to the District Manager. In this instance, the District Manager would retain responsibility, perhaps jointly with the Water Manager, for oversight of the system, interface with customers, and reporting and interface with the Directors.
 Further variations could fill the Water Manager/Management role with a job-sharing arrangement with a nearby water district, e.g., Stinson Beach or Green Gulch., or with an arrangement whereby a professional water system management company could be contracted (with the MBCSD as client); in that approach, the company would perform the managerial tasks and assume responsibility for their results. .
 Alternately, the operational tasks could be “outsourced.” The managerial responsibilities could be retained by either the District Manager, a Water Manager, or they could be outsourced as well, with the District Manager retaining overall oversight.

A Water Management Well Done Looks Like:

An efficient, highly automated, well-maintained system reliably delivering hygienic, good-tasting water at a reasonable cost to a well-informed customer base. All required reporting will be done promptly with a minimum of operator input.