Contact (currently no rentals due to Covid-19) muirbeachcc@gmail(dot)com
Must I get the insurance?
All non-resident renters are required to get the insurance. It is a $1,000,000 policy naming the Muir Beach Community Center as the additional insured. The coverage is to insure YOU from any issues that might arise, and following that, the MBCC & CSD. The only exception to this rule is if you are a Muir Beach Resident (see below).
How do I obtain the insurance? And what does it cost?
If you are a homeowner or have rental insurance, you should first ask your insurance agent. An attachment, or codicil, can usually made to your existing policy for nothing, or a nominal fee. The fee depends on your carrier. If your agent will not write a policy, there are companies on the web that specialize in event insurance. Three examples are, and
Muir Beach Residents:
If you are a Muir Beach resident, you are required to purchase the insurance if you are serving alcohol. If you are not serving alcohol, the insurance is not required but you must sign the waiver clause in the contract. Either way you must sign the Hold Harmless Form.
Where is the parking and are there any restrictions? How many cars can the parking area accommodate?
There is no parking lot! Parking on Seacape Drive is limited. There is no parking on the north side of Seacape until beyond the mailboxes up the hill. Please do not park in neighboring driveways or in a way that blocks residents’ access. This is especially critical in the case of the houses adjacent to the Community Center. Any car blocking a driveway may be towed.
There is parking along Frank Valley Road as well as some parking at the Muir Beach parking lot and the Muir Beach Overlook parking lot, although the parking lots close at sunset. Some people create a shuttle from either or all of those places to consolidate parking away from the Muir Beach Community Center. If you do use these options, make sure they don’t close before your event is over.
Please ask for the shuttle information if you are interested in this option.
What kind of heat is available at the Community Center?
There is no central heat. The only heat is our fireplace and wood stove. There are four propane heaters on the deck for rent and they may not be brought inside.
Are there facilities for the caterer to load in?
There is no place for the caterers to park per se. Loading and unloading is down a long ramp (or stairs) and they should plan accordingly. The only help with boxes on site are a wagon, a cart, two handcarts, and a dolly.
Can we have music at the center?
The Community Center sits among the houses of the community and is not separate from the neighborhood. Therefore, it is not suitable for loud, late music parties. If you are considering a loud band and dancing late into the night this is not the venue for you.
You may have music, but it must be confined to the immediate area of the building and must end at 10:00 p.m.
No live music or speakers are allowed on the deck.
Amplified music of any kind must end at 10:00pm.
How late can we use the center?
The building must be vacated and locked up by 1:00 a.m. After 10:00pm all loud noises, including loud conversations, must be kept inside the center with the doors closed.
Can major dishes be prepared in the kitchen? What kind of kitchenware is provided?
Major dishes may be prepared in the kitchen using the double oven provided. However, even though it is a double oven, it is a consumer size and not professional size and each side is rather small. There is a mish-mash of most everything but nothing matches. There are some pots and pans and some cookie/baking sheets, many miscellaneous cups, dishes, silverware, serving platters and glasses. The MBCC is a funky space serving a funky community. Because the community does use the space and contents, it is impossible to guarantee any specific kitchen tools will be available. We do not have dishes, silverware or linens suitable for an event.
There is no dishwasher.
Can we use outside vendors?
We have no restrictions on outside vendors. Because of the constraints of the Center we highly recommend using a vendor that has worked here before. If you choose a vendor who is not familiar with the Center, we believe it is imperative that they visit the Center before making their final preparations.
May I set up the day before?
If the date is available, you may set up on the day before. However, if you are a non-resident, you must have your facilitator on site.
Are there restrictions for the deck on a set up day?
You can set up the tables on the deck the day before but not the place settings or linens. Animals cross the deck all night and can destroy any place setting you have created and dirty the linens.
Does cleanup have to take place the night of the party or can we do it the next day? Can we have access to the center the day before or after?
Clean up and set up can be done the day before, day of, or day after. You just have to pay for the hours used just like on the day of the event. Please keep in mind that we have a four-hour daily minimum requirement. We actually suggest that you hire someone to do the final clean up either that night or the following morning if the space is available. It’s never fun to do it yourself after a fun event. But that decision is up to you.
What are my options for hiring someone to help clean?
If you are a Muir Beach resident, you may hire the Muir Beach Cleaner and/or Custodian to help with clean up. The custodian will put away your tables and chairs and the cleaner will clean the floors, counters, bathrooms, etc. Residents must bring a separate check to pay for these services on the day of your event. If you are a non-resident, cleaning services are required and included in your rental rate package at the time of booking.
What if I have more garbage than the two gray garbage cans will hold?
You must take any extra garbage with you when you leave. The same thing applies to the recycling bin.
Can I leave anything out on the deck?
No food of any kind can be left on the deck over night. We are surrounded by parkland and food draws many unwanted critters to the Center.
Are there any restrictions for alcohol?
Alcohol is permitted but is not to be left on the deck over night.
Do I have to hire a facilitator?
If you are a non-resident you must use a facilitator trained by the MBCC who is familiar with the facility. The MBCC is a quirky venue. From trying to figure out where the light switches are to finding the handcart and dolly, nothing is simple. Some things are stored behind lock and key, and the facilitator will have the key. He or she will know where things can be stored safely, and how to access such things as the easements to the beach. If you have any questions, and you will, he or she will have the answers.
If you are a Muir Beach resident, and you are hosting an evening event serving alcohol with 25 (or more) people and amplified music, you are also required to use a facilitator trained by the MBCC who is familiar with the facility.
How do I pay the facilitator?
If you are a Muir Beach resident, you can pay the Facilitator by cash or check at the end of each day that he/she is with you. It is possible that you may have a different person for set up than for the actual event if it is on a different day. If you have the same person for both days, you can pay him or her at the end of the event. For non-residents, your facilitator fee is required and included in your rental rate package.