Election Procedure
Board member elections are overseen by the Marin County Registrar of Voters, and elections coincide with other county or statewide elections on Election Day in November. Terms are either 4 years or 2 years, and elections for individual seats are staggered so that the entire Board does not turnover completely. The Board has the authority to appoint new members to serve out the remainder of the terms for Directors who have resigned or otherwise left office. Directors serve on a volunteer basis and receive no compensation for serving on the Board. District Compensation: publicpay.ca.gov
The MBCSD established an elected board of five (5) directors, who serve as the governing body. A candidate for the Board must be a registered voter residing within the District boundaries. The Directors are required to establish the policies applicable to carrying out the responsibilities of the authority granted by the voters. This includes development of the annual budget, oversight of the District’s financial activities, and formation of operational policy.