
What is the Muir Beach Water System?

The MBCSD has been providing water to residents 24/7 365 days per year since 1958.  As some residents will remember, in years past, it could be heavily laden with minerals and turn your white clothes brown.  Over the years, our water system has greatly improved and is now meeting increased regulatory standards for public health and safety as well as higher environmental standards as we source our water from the Redwood Creek Watershed.  To stay compliant with new State health and safety regulations, along with a goal to improve the quality and efficiency for delivering safe water, the MBCSD has also increased treatment, monitoring, and management to keep up with new technologies and required governmental reporting.

With only 159 paying customers, our MBCSD Water District is small compared to neighboring systems, and yet our distribution system spans over 2.5 miles with waterlines and infrastructure that needs to be maintained, along with two Service Wells, a Chlorine and Silica Treatment Plant and Pump house, a newly built (2010) earthquake-safe 200,000-gallon water tank, and an aging 100,000-gallon redwood water tank.  All together the system can provide up to 45,000 gallons of water per day with an average of 12 days storage capacity.  The Silica treatment has greatly improved water quality.  Increased monitoring, for both daily chlorine testing and monthly bacterial sampling, has enhanced the safety and confidence in our water supply.

How is a dollar of water revenue spent?

Current District Bi-monthly water rates:

Type Gallons Charge
Capacity N/A $     9.36 Meter Reading
N/A  $  84.40 Meter Charge (per 5/8″- 1″ meter size)
N/A  $422.06 Meter Charge (per 1.5″ meter size, if applicable)
Volumetric All gallons  $   2.37 per 100 gallons used

1. Meter Charges are based on projected capital improvement schedules.
2. Volumetric Charges are calculated per gallon; rate is shown per 100 gallons for clarity only.

Recent Water News

Water Operators

Water Emergency Contacts:
Water Team Cell: 415-484-8202
Mary Halley Cell: 415-297-1831
Leighton Hills Off: 415-383-7102

Water Operators Email:

System Operator: Stephanie Blank
T2 Lic.#36342 exp. 7/1/2026
D1 Lic.#45609 exp. 6/1/2027

System Operator:  Ernst Karel
D1 Lic.#53573 exp. 7/1/2024

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