That’s what 70 residents from both older and newer community members gathered to find out on Water Education Day, February 26th, 2017. This was the very first of a series of events organized by the Ad Hoc Committee on Water spearhead by Lynda Grose.
Homes in Muir Beach
Gallons of Water
Muir Beach faces the following challenges:
According to LAFCO:
- Since 2009 MB water use has increased while population growth has remained stagnant
- Peak Day demand increased by 24.5%
- Average per day per connection allowed is 144 gallons
- MB water use is outpacing water production capacity under drought conditions by 2023 without conservation
- MB wells have a direct effect on Redwood Creek causing isolated pooling in summer affecting endangered wildlife populations
- Conserving water and maintaining water revenues
- Finding $ for necessary improvements
- Conflict between water diversion permit, tiered water rates + restrictions on tiered water rates (prop 218)
If you weren’t able to attend, check out our presenters slide shows!

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