It’s hard to complain when one is stuck between a beautiful ocean and a hoard of tourists visiting our neighboring National Park. Yet traffic on weekends is getting intense for our nerves and for the Muir Woods pristine habitat. So, when will all this end?
May 1st seems to be the new date we should be able to see some more fluidity on our Muir beach Roads. Shoreline Highway through Green Gulch will be reopening May 1st instead of April 1st, due to one additional slide repair close to the other one. The total costs to construct the retaining wall and to replace culverts reaches $7 million.
The better news today is the re-opening of the Northbound Highway 1 between Slide Ranch and Steep Ravine on April 15th, which was previously planned in October. We will therefore be able to drive to Stinson without taking Panoramic Highway from then onward.

Four Corners Intersection on Saturday March 11th, 2017, by Vanessa Workman
Think it might be helpful to speak with the Muir Woods authorities about limiting traffic to Muir Woods when the parking lots are full. Signs saying Muir Woods Parking lots full at: the Muir Woods turn off at 4 corners, on the appropriate Highway 101 turnoffs, in Tam Valley and one on Highway 1 where the detour starts might decrease the number cars.
Also communicating the issues using traditional & digital media to let people know that getting to Muir Woods is a huge traffic problem and can take hours and result in not even getting to the woods as there is usually no parking. Letting the vacation industry know about the problem might also be of help.
Dear Meryl,
This Wednesday May 3rd, the Muir Beach CSD will be welcoming our County Supervisor Dennis Rodoni at 7pm at the Community Center. He should be able to give you a response on recent updates to reduce traffic.
Looking forward to seeing you,